Monday, March 30, 2009

Our little getaway ...

So this past Saturday we all had a last minute idea to get out of Burien and go to Seaside Oregon! We had a blast. It was so nice to get out of our regular routine and try something new and exciting!! We were only there for 2 days 1 night but it was worth the 3 1/2 hour drive with a 2 year old!Here are some pictures from our wonderful weekend.....

It was very cold and extremely windy, but beautiful

We saw this hat in a hat store and had to get it for Zachariah

Its an elephant or giraffe as he might say

Shawn at an Oregon ocean for the first time ..

Just relaxing in our room

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Birthday get togethers

So we know this is a little over due, but during the month of March we celebrated some bdays. It started with a get together at my moms house to celebrate Amanda's 26th Bday!! (wow she is getting up there!!!hahaha) Then we went up to my grandparents house in Centralia to celebrate Tabitha, Julie, Amanda, Uncle Mike(the big 50!!!), Aunt Linda, and Grandpa's birthdays. So here are some pictures of the cousins playing together. Enjoy......