Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Mini Vaca

This past Thursday, Shawn and Zachariah took the train down to centralia to spend some time with my dad, Laura, and Anna. Friday after work I headed down to finish out the weekend with some family time. We enjoyed ourselves very much. We rode horses, the quad, relaxed, and played with the doggies. Here are some pictures for everyone to enjoy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

So we had a pretty low key 4th of July. Shawn had to work so I took Zachariah to the park in the morning and then went to the Burien parade in the afternoon. The following day we had a picnic at a local park called Lincoln Park. They have a wading pool, toys, swings, trails, and plus it's on the water by the Fauntleroy Ferry. Anyways here are some pictures of Zachariah enjoying the amenities....