Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Spring time is here ....

Spring has been awesome so far... great weather which means more outside activities!! We got a pool for Zachariah a few weeks ago and he loves it!! He has actually splash his face a few times which is impressive because he is not a big fan of water on his face. Also Shawn and I had the pleasure of going to a Mariners game with Amanda and Jonah. The Mariners didn't win but we had a fun time anyway. Brittney had her softball tournaments last week and while she was playing softball Zachariah was flirting with the girls. He won the attention from a little girl in the picture below. It was way too adorable! They held each others hands everywhere they went and when Zachariah fell down she was right there to help him up. I think we have a heartbreaker!! Hope you all enjoy the pictures!!

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