Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Halloween and Thanksgiving!!!

So after being picked on yesterday for not updating my blog like my sister does, I figured I would make everyone happy and post some updated pictures. :) So for Halloween we first went to the mall and got some treats and then we went in a neighborhood by our house and got some more good treats!! Then yesterday for Thanksgiving we went to my Grandparents house in Centralia. Now it is Christmas time!!! We decorated our house this morning. Zachariah was very excited!! Enjoy the pics!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice updated blog! You're ahead of me as our tree isn't up yet. Grandpa did get the rest of the lights on the trees outside. They look pretty.

    Loved the Halloween pictures of Zachariah and all the other pictures too.

    See you tomorrow!
    Grandpa and Grandma Smith
