Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Halloween and Thanksgiving!!!

So after being picked on yesterday for not updating my blog like my sister does, I figured I would make everyone happy and post some updated pictures. :) So for Halloween we first went to the mall and got some treats and then we went in a neighborhood by our house and got some more good treats!! Then yesterday for Thanksgiving we went to my Grandparents house in Centralia. Now it is Christmas time!!! We decorated our house this morning. Zachariah was very excited!! Enjoy the pics!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our New Place

So it has been a few weeks since we moved in and we are loving our new place!! We are still located in Burien for about another year and then the plan is to move south to the puyallup area for the schools for Zachariah. We have a two bedroom two bath on the ground floor so we dont have to worry about Zachariah running too loudly or anything like that. Here are some pictures...
Zachariah wanting his picture taken also ..
Our bathroom
Zachariah's bathroom
Our bedroom
Zachariah's bedroom
Our living room
Our dining room

Our kitchen

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Zachariah is 3!!

So last Saturday we had a birthday party for Zachariah at Lincoln Park. He is still talking about how much fun he had at the park. Thank you to everyone that came and celebrated with us. He is growing way too fast!! At his well check up last week he weighed in at 29.6lbs and 2'11.75". I was amazed at how well he did for the doctor. He sat perfectly still for everything!! Here are some pictures from his party ... next post will be of our new place!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Mini Vaca

This past Thursday, Shawn and Zachariah took the train down to centralia to spend some time with my dad, Laura, and Anna. Friday after work I headed down to finish out the weekend with some family time. We enjoyed ourselves very much. We rode horses, the quad, relaxed, and played with the doggies. Here are some pictures for everyone to enjoy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

So we had a pretty low key 4th of July. Shawn had to work so I took Zachariah to the park in the morning and then went to the Burien parade in the afternoon. The following day we had a picnic at a local park called Lincoln Park. They have a wading pool, toys, swings, trails, and plus it's on the water by the Fauntleroy Ferry. Anyways here are some pictures of Zachariah enjoying the amenities....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shawn's 29th B-day

Shawn celebrated his 29th Birthday last thursday. We had a BBQ dinner at the house and then went to Applebees to celebrate with some friends. He had a wonderful time with family and friends.

Spring time is here ....

Spring has been awesome so far... great weather which means more outside activities!! We got a pool for Zachariah a few weeks ago and he loves it!! He has actually splash his face a few times which is impressive because he is not a big fan of water on his face. Also Shawn and I had the pleasure of going to a Mariners game with Amanda and Jonah. The Mariners didn't win but we had a fun time anyway. Brittney had her softball tournaments last week and while she was playing softball Zachariah was flirting with the girls. He won the attention from a little girl in the picture below. It was way too adorable! They held each others hands everywhere they went and when Zachariah fell down she was right there to help him up. I think we have a heartbreaker!! Hope you all enjoy the pictures!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our 3 year anniversary

So this message is a little over due but it seems like everything on this blog has been late so we will just keep the tradition going!! Anyways for Shawn and I's 3rd wedding anniversary we went to Ocean Shores for a night away. We stayed at the Quinalt Lodge and Casino. We had a blast and wanted to stay longer but maybe next year!! Anyways enjoy the pictures......
It was just a little windy on the beach!!

Beautiful sunset from our room!!

We were not winners but still had a smile on our face!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Continued

So our final Easter event was at my grandparents house in Centralia. I must say the kids did an awesome job finding the eggs!! Here are some pictures

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Beginning of Easter .....

This weekend has been full of Easter events. It started out at his school, they had an egg hunt for all the toddlers in the evening. Then Zachariah colored eggs for the first time. It did pretty well, we had the bowls a little full so when it came to mixing the blue and pink he got a little messy. When the eggs were all dry he was able to put stickers on the eggs. He has loved every minute of this weekend so far.
Zachariah and Shawn looking for eggs on the playground
They found the special egg and won the huge basket full of prizes

He was very fascinated with putting the stickers on the eggs

Oooooppppsss Zachariah got a little too into dipping the eggs

Zachariah could have colored eggs all day long ...